Hi there and Welcome to my World,
My name is Kristen (soon-to-be) Moore and I am a new teacher. This is a picture of myself with my fiance. We are avid sports fans and love going to see the Detroit Lions, Tigers and Red Wings. Scott is my rock and I wouldn't be able to survive (and thrive!) in this crazy life of mine without his support.
Last year was my first year teaching, and while I bask in the glory of having survived it, I'm anxiously prepping for year to come. I am currently the only math teacher at the Charter high school for nearly 250 students and if that isn't enough to make my life crazy, I'm fully developing all of my own curriculum for each of these classes, and creating my own classes on top of that.
Things I'm hoping you all will get out of this blog:
- Organizational Tips for the Classroom
- Lesson & Unit Planning Tips, following Understanding By Design
- Strategies for implementing PBL, including designing projects, and flipped-classroom practices
- Help understanding Mastery Based Grading and Marzano practices
- Encouraging stories of real life successes and failures in the classroom
and most importantly, what we'll both get out of this:
- Relief in knowing we are not alone on this crazy road called Education
If you've been teaching for 10 years or just teaching for 1, I hope that this blog helps you to stay encouraged and invigorated, in all that you do. Maybe you'll even get inspired to try a new "best practice" in your classroom.
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